Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dr Constable's Bible Study Notes

I was having a difficult time in relating Judges 17-21 (Friday's Bible reading) to the whole scheme of things.

So I first turned to
Pastor Chuck's Library

and found a Chuck Smith sermon on those 5 chapters from Judges .
I supplemented this with
Dr. Constable's Bible Study Notes and Commentary.

this latter resource, introduced to us by an assistant pastor at Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria who studied under Constable, come from DR Thomas L. Constable of the Dallas Theological Seminary. Written over a 25-year period, they provide commentary on all 66 books of the Bible, and contain
about 7,000 pages of material.
"Dr. Constable's Notes, also known as expository notes to Dr. Constable's seminary students, are intended
to help you to better understand the Bible.
This online version of Dr. Constable's Notes is available for anyone with Internet
access. The latest editions of all 66 books, accessed below on links to the Notes'
.pdf files, can be used for reading, studying, writing papers, quoting, teaching
a class or Bible study, etc."
For those seeking to do further research, these offer plenty of bibliographic references to boot. I am guessing that many a minister has used these in putting together a Sunday sermon.

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