Friday, March 13, 2009

AntiChrist Profiled on "Turning Point" by David Jeremiah

I'm not looking for the AntiChrist; I'm looking for the Christ.

--David Jeremiah

Having said this, the curiosity and fascination over the AntiChrist that is to dominate the Earth just prior to the final return of Christ to commence his earthly kingdom is great among many people.
beginning with the broadcast of Tuesday, March 10, David Jeremiah (Turning Point) examines the rise of the AntiChrist, who he is, and what he will be all about.
The culmination, of course, is his being thrown into the Lake of Fire, along with Satan, as the reign of Christ begins on Earth.

Part of his "handwriting on the Wall" series analyzing the Book of Daniel, Jeremiah explores this topic in great detail.
While there appears to be no podcasts subscription available, there are audio archives that can be listened to here:

Turning Point (Dr. David Jeremiah) - Broadcast Archives

Turning Point" over the last couple of years has become a "must listen" for me. The show airs on literally hundreds of stations, and, if you go to


and fill in a zip code in the appropriate edit box, you will immediately see a listing of stations and air times for that area. Real handy when traveling and a pc isn't available.

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