Friday, March 20, 2009

How Do I Know I'm Saved?

An issue I wrestle with on an ongoing basis is
How Can I Really Know I'm Saved.

Why, You might ask? Well, I don't wish to be mistaken given the consequences if I was wrong.

Thus , when I come across a sermon by such a title, as I did in the
Sermons OnLine Library

OcalaFirst Church of the Nazarene
in Florida, I pay attention.

Preached on Sunday March 8 by Senior Pastor Barry Dunlap, the sermon uses Hebrews 10 beginning at Verse 19 as its text.

There are 4 key points extensively elaborated on in the presentation which serves as a guideline to knowing that one is saved:

(1) I have a bold confidence to enter into God's presence.
Note the term confidence, not arrogance.
My confidence is in the Blood of Jesus Christ.

(2) I have boldness to confess Christ.
I confess that he is my risen Saviour and Lord.

(3) I genuinely Love God's people and
The love for God's people transcends everything else.

(4) I am homesick for a place I have never ben to namely heaven.

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